Win Mukdamanee : Artist
Appearance of Belief: 2011-2013
The project is done under the research titled "A study of Buddhism Philosophy and the Creativity in Contemporary Art” with 10 others artists, exhibited at the National Gallery Bangkok (2011), Silpakorn University Art Centre (2012), and Bangkok Art and Cultural Centre (2013).
"The spirituality of local Thai culture comes from the belief in angel, ghost, spirit, and superstition that help protect the community and surrounding nature. It is also mixed with the belief in stories from Buddhist Dharma especially the existence of reincarnation, Karma, sin, heaven, and hell. These are the foundation of Thai way of life, concept of living, and people’s behaviour.
I am interested in creating artwork by using materials and objects from Thai contemporary daily life, by focusing on the objects that relate to local belief and superstition. Some of them might be used in part of religious ritual. Although they are made in similar concept, their design and materials are different from the original version according to the traditional belief. Throughout the experimentation with multiple art forms, including those involving the use of technology, I hope to be able to recontextualize the real meaning of Thai spirituality and visual culture with messages that speak to our present culture. The work would not only help define what the character of contemporary Thai culture is, but also reflect the clash between the globalized mainstream culture and the exotic spirituality of tradition, the West and the East, new and old."